Tuesday, November 09, 2004

the pathetic situation of my country

how sad is it for a country whose people know fully well that their government leaders are stealing their hard earned money and yet they just let it be?

my cousin and i have this joke as a challenge (or is it challenge as a joke?): whoever acquires a million pesos first, i will work in the bureau of customs while she will work in the bureau of internal revenue. these two government offices' employees are the easiest to get rich.

but those offices are the small time compared to the government officials who are just supposed to earn a small salary. they get cuts from every project conducted in their area. they get special bonuses for their committees or for voting for this or that person for a position.

it's a also funny how these people deny any wrongdoing when in fact, they know that nobody will believe them, except maybe their family and cronies who benefit from their ill gotten wealth.

everybody believes this..and yet nothing still happens. the people are already numb! they have accepted that it's already a normal way of life and tolerate it. the people don't vote wisely!


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